Opera’s internal Opera: URLs don’t contain fun Easter eggs like Firefox’s or experimental features like Chrome’s, but there are a treasure trove of hidden options for you to explore - particularly on the opera:config page. The opera:webstorage and opera:webdatabases pages list websites using Opera’s Web storage and Web database features. In order to fulfill the basic functions of our service, the user hereby agrees to allow Xiaomi to collect, process and use personal information which shall include but not be limited to written threads, pictures, comments, replies in the Xiaomi Community, and relevant data types listed in Xiaomi's Private Policy. The opera:memdebug page breaks down Opera’s memory usage. Opera:MemDebug, Opera:WebStorage and Opera:WebDatabases The opera:drives page lets you browse your local file system from a web-page-style interface within Opera. To connect to another browser from this page, the other Opera user must launch Opera’s Dragonfly developer tool ( Opera -> Page -> Developer Tools -> Opera Dragonfly) and enable remote debugging. You can use this feature to debug remote Opera systems over the network. The opera:debug page allows connections to remote Opera Dragonfly sessions. However, this raises some questions, since with this partnership, Opera offers a monopoly to Yat on emojis.Select a specific website to view its cached files or save them to your computer. It remains to be seen if this is a simple fad or if addresses in emojis could settle on the Web in a sustainable way. the Navigator even detects series of emojis in the text of pages and turns them into links. Thus, it will suffice to enter to go directly to Kesha’s Yat page. The integration goes even further, since the software recognizes addresses composed solely of emojis (without the y.at/ part at the beginning). With this partnership, Internet users will be able to enter emojis directly into the browser’s address bar. Chains of emojis cost from four to several thousand dollars, with the possibility of transforming them en NFT… The end of “.com”? His home address y.at/ returns to his record company.

For example, artist Lil Wayne bought the emojis. It is associated with a personal page or a redirection service. Yat sells “universal identities” that take the form of a series of emojis. He thus becomes the first Navigator to allow the use of web addresses consisting solely of emojis. After the rush on NFT, are we going to see the emoji rush? The society Operawhich develops the Navigator of the same name, has just announced a partnership with Yat.